Produces over 3.5 kilowatts per stereo pair. The Class D power amplifier circuits utilized are approximately 85% efficient and produce much less heat than older Class AB circuit designs. You could roast a pig on the heat sinks required on an AB amplifier producing similar power output as the Guzauski-Swist GS-A3 Amplifier Module. The DSP Processing Module is a primary component to the GS-3a System delivering the end user a high degree of room frequency compensation through its front end.
The Guzauski-Swist “G-S DSP” software application gives your computer user an option to control the unit from a remote PC. The Guzauski-Swist DSP “G-S DSP”, software application is designed to easily control and monitor the GS-A3i DSP control module device, allowing the user to get the whole picture on one screen. Programs can be recalled and stored from and to your PCʼs hard drive, thus expanding the storage to become virtually limitless.
The Guzauski-Swist Iso-Mounting Bracket System (patent pending) is the result of countless hours “behind the console”, studio design and acoustic measurement. Larry Swist has designed many of the worlds finest and most notable recording facilities. Mick Guzauski can be found in the credits of countless hits and multi-platinum releases from the top labels around the globe. As Mick and Larry have been contributing to the professional audio and recording industry for over 40 years they have designed an innovative isolation system coupled with a bracket to deliver the ultimate monitoring experience while minimizing ear fatigue for those late nights and sessions that can go on for hours.
Guzauski-Swist professional studio monitor and pro audio systems are made in the U.S.A. with no compromises. Guzauski-Swist pro audio systems, studio monitors and accessories are made with precision components and the highest quality of craftsmanship and design.